Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Hello, may I ask you a few questions

For my two news peices that I shall be writing this week, (I just finished one, WOOHOO!) I must muster up the courage to interview people and gain research. But, that shouldn't be too hard as I am a very friendly and outgoing person.
I interviewed the Dean of Grady College at UGA, Cully Clark, about the gap between prosperity and poverty in Athens today during his annual press conference. My questions really provoked his thinking at 10 am in the morning. Yet, I got my questions answered and my news story rolling.

I am also writing a peice about teenage unemployment and the the job search. I had to think of a way to gain research besides study online. So, I polled 53 students asking them if they had a job, were looking for a job, or did not want a job in the near future.

Then, I had to interview them about how they were affect by having a job or not. It really wasn't too bad, because I shared some common experience among those who I interviewed. My first interview kind of hit a wall when all I was really able to get out of her was where she had applied and that she needed money.  Later in the day, I learned to manipulate the question to get the answer I wanted. Let's just say I am very content with came out of my interviewee's mouths.

When interviewing an important person such as the Dean of Grady College, it can be very nervewracking. I am sure that I wavered over my name, but by the time I started my question, I had gained my composure back.

Now, I want to ask you some questions:
Have you ever been interviewed?
Were you nervous on the other side?

Well, my advice to anyone who is being interviewed, is take a deep breath and don't worry about saying something stupid. You're only human.

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